What will you be doing to encourage "Canada First" from now until March 1st and beyond?
Found Colin's post on the Far Cry sub!
Disc Rot?
You guys are up for it?
Join the EU!
Tomorrow will be Bowies last day. Wish him happy birthday
Figured I'd post some of the cooler dvd sets I have.I have a lot more but these are the ones that I could readily access
Figured I might as well post some really cool. DVDs that I have of Evil Dead
How Is Your Copy Of The Book of the Dead Editions Of Evil Dead 1&2 Holding Up After 20+ years?
Absolute steal from Barnes & Noble
Any love for the Becky franchise?
They said I should consider enhancing my titts
What's the oldest DVD you own?
Should I get the A95L now or wait and see if the next QD OLED will be released this summer?
Are there any cases of early Blu-rays degrading like how some HD DVDs do?
New haul from the arrow 2 4ks for 60 sale
Do you keep your DVDs and Blus separate of together?
My life will never be the same again
now i remember why i don’t make plushies LOL i tried my best
Pictures of my first haul in a boat fifteen or so years
What bike do you ride?
Bravia works fine for a few minutes then turns off and flashes 4 red lights
Is anyone else seeing dozens, if not hundreds, of strange lights in the sky?
UFO in Canada Dec 12, 2024