Frontier has the chance to do the funniest thing ever
So, about the new JW: Rebirth Titanosaurus design
Quick question for those who own SS Topspin and Leadfoot, can their heads be swapped?
Next Year…
No Comment.
Close enough. Welcome to the Monsterverse, Jurassic Franchise
Close enough. Welcome back to the Monsterverse, Gareth Edwards
Just thought I would remind you all about this. Personally, I am not worried about the script at all.
Holy shit.
Am I the only one that likes the Bayverse Devastator design?
Backpack on SS 86 Devastator
NGL, I feel that the new AOTP Heatwave figure fits the Legacy Bulkhead mold so much better than Bulkhead himself
Nothing says foreshadowing then this
Alleged Proto-hybrid design for JW: Rebirth (Take this with a grain of salt)
Spinos and the mosa working together?!
What was your first transformers figure?
One of his kids died and you’re laughing?!?!
What transformers song got you like this?
Poor D-16
The invasion of New York(part two)
Fun fact, when I first saw Evo Godzilla back in the very first trailer, for some reason I assumed that this was another Godzilla, and a Woman at that.
So would the name be Starfire or Jetscream?
If Skar king won
Bathroom break