The reality of playing a female character
Did... Rockstar just take away my legendary pelt??
what horse is this ?
Which outfit do y'all think looks best for my character?
How many hours
Low levels what do y’all get out of this loser ass shit?
name this horsey
What war did Mickey claim to fight in?
What’s your favourite spot to set up camp? For me it’s Big Valley, ideally just south of hanging dog ranch.
Hopefully only a few more days of this 🥲
Rate this Mr. Guess what his name is.
Purchased Naturalist role. Whats the best way to farm xp?
A funny thing happened
Rdo what’s the best horse in RED DEAD ONLINE?
If y’all see this man just go ahead and switch lobbies
Rate my character
RDR1 Dutch WIP
What did you all name your favorite horses??
Why does Shady Belle become inaccessible after the gang leaves?
Aside from the mimic what do you find is the best summon
I think I'm ready enough for DLC. What build have y'all got prepared?
This video is going to be insane
i will just drop this here