Pumping and Nursing
My wife is pregnant with quadruplets 🤯
what's your favorite thing about having twins/triplets??
MIL obsessed with twins looking like her
Buying used vs buying new
When are you finding the time to pump?
How often are you having sex?!
Pissed Off About Being Pregnant
How many strollers do you have?
How do we have time to cook?
Trying to be realistic about plans this pregnancy
Did you get married because you felt like you were supposed to?
How do you get a 9 week old to nap???
What does your “we stay together for the kids” marriage look like?
Surviving and Sleep with Newborn twins
Relationship after twins?
29 weeks pregnant with mono di twins just wondering when did you go into labor ? I'm starting to feel like they want out
If we don’t hire help- will we die?
Do you keep them on the same feeding schedule?
Identical twins - name question
Do I have rOCD? What to do?
If you could give one piece of advice to a woman without kids as an experienced mom, what would it be?
Phantom cries waking me up?
Working ladies: when did you start your leave?
Alternate use for breastmilk?