Did anyone get into Colgate?
Bulan.mn is cooking again
Applying to 54 colleges!!! Wish me good luck!!
Universities with coa 20-30k?
Stats that got me (int'l student) a full scholarship at Northwestern
Are you guys happy with your decision?
Do men have a decent chance earning in FF
Why don’t Central Asians have the same overachieving culture as East Asians?
Seeking almost full-ride, got deferred from Northwestern ED. Should I ED2?
Northwestern University - 2024-2025 EA/ED Megathread
Geniunely need someone to review my essay
Eyesh Duitsuuleh?
Our ancestors
Private Chance me-lets chance each other yay
Is it *actually* possible to get into MIT without any olympiad medals (as an international)?
3 acceptances!
One Rejection, Several Acceptances with $$$