Date conversion from Excel to Powerapps
Viture Pro XR glasses with Steam Deck Oled short review
What’s a common thing people say that makes no fucking sense?
Desktop Flow - target a row in excel based on cell value without loop
Okay hear me out! What would you guys think of an Indiana Jones animated series utilizing the same CGI animation as Star Wars The Clone Wars? Sounds like a winner IMO. Would any among you be interested??
What do you want your tombstone to say?
Time for self-promotion. What are you building in 2025?
Star wars squadron on quest 3, wow
Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis Comics
Extracting a value from a word document
Microsoft Power Automate Flow extraction of specific data from word doc
Power app to get latest Excel data
What’s you’re favourite game to play on the Steam Deck (that actually runs well)
Unattended desktop flow from online issue
Which retro video game do you play every year?
Hoping this game is worth the effort
What's on your wrist today?
Send email with contents of certain cells in an excel table to a predefined list of contacts based on a list selection. Automatic based on conditions or button based.
Would you rather?
Much better to play with matte screen protector
Power Automate Desktop variable
The Overlooked Seiko [SSB383P1]
What's coming next? What's your guess?
GTA trilogy DE Game Mode issue