Muzzle breaks?
Follow up question from earlier
What kind of car would I drive?
Truck driver thought he could pull onto Market street in Philly before the crowd dispursed after the Super Bowl
What do they drive?
Can you polish a turd?
Recently inherited Great Grandpa’s WWI 1911
“Fully ARP”… it has a super safety and 2 red dots 😂
Too good to be true?
I got $1000, what’s should I buy?
Am I restarted?
What in tarnation
Hight over bore isn't real. Hight over bore can't hurt you.
M16A4 Clone
Show me your budget build
Too Budget???
Painting optics
looks better in real life
Too Budget?????
PSA AK-47 worth $600?
Parted together AR15
Inappropriate relationship
The Lima Six runs!!! Test Fire Video
My Scar and friends M&P 15 Sport III