Welcoming our newest foster, a 9 month old puppy who had endured horrific abuse. 😞
Cleaner business
My American bully / Rottweiler mix
Mint mobile
I just saw him outside, what should I call him? I want name that start with letter L.
One thing to expect if you’re gonna have an indoor pig that nobody told me:
Where to find almond fried chicken ?
My husband thinks Penny looks wise. I think she looks high AF.
Beautiful Flying Vagina Cyst I've never seen posted here before (latter half of the video) (NSFW)
The game told me the Ritual of Thorns was bad...I'M SORRY!!
it’s been months and no name sticks
Hera says no boop snoops!
Neighbor's husky broke through our fence, crawled through our doggy door, and made himself at home...AGAIN!
What does everyone do for work here?!
Sex workers are keeping the unemployment rate lower.
Free For All Friday!
Should I mate my pig?
AITA for taking time off from my fiancée?
do yall deny services to people with different political views?
Good morning Colorado Springs!
When is too much too much?
Very debated question. Do you let you pup sleep with you?
Best concert you’ve seen at red rocks?
colorado springs?
Strong female GSD names beginning with A