10 day itinerary with toddlers
Do you like the UK weather?
Advice Needed - My soon to be mother in low just asked me if she can renew her vows at our wedding
What do you wish you did and what do you wish you didn’t ?
Neighbour has 17 cars parked on the road is there anything we can do?
Have you ever seen a badger in real life?
Out of curiosity, what do other countries think of Australian nicknames and do you find them confusing or easy to pick up?
Are there any popular places/ countries that just have zero appeal to you?
How much red meat do you consume every week and how is your health?
What is the most decadent thing you do?
Has anyone else... Had a wake up moment regarding age?
Which of your siblings got in the most trouble?
If you named your baby after your first crush, what would they be named?
Should I tell my partner I don’t like our baby’s name before doing the birth certificate?
Would you judge someone going to a english country pub all by themselves for a meal?
First names of book/tv characters you have never heard anyone have in real life?
Credit card surcharges?
what is your favorite item in your house? and why?
Multiple words for the same thing
Fellow women of Casual UK: where do you shop for jeans?
My parents are threatening to kick me out because I'm a sex worker
WIBTA for taking all three of my gaming consoles with me when I move out and leaving my family with none of them?
What would you spend a £100 a month wellbeing allowance on?
AITA for telling my parents they'll lose my brother if they can't accept he doesn't want to date after losing his wife?
What's the best coat for hard labour in the north in the winter?