One more- this time Vladimir Kagan and my feelings that you all probably share
Honestly hate my huge nose. Should I get a nose job?
I love wood, so I made some wood textures. Thoughts are welcome!
How do I go about twisting metal flat bars (3mm thick).
Is this Roy?
One of the funniest scenes - Not for the scene itself, but for the online outrage New Yorkers had for what Matsson said about their town 🤣
How to match the color of the edge with the wood
Any idea what settings I can use to close up some of these gaps?
Any way to increase the radius on only one surface?
So uh like who cares uh
House of Sand by Fran Silvestre Arquitectos
Architect or interior designer?
Need USELESS designs!
Can anyone find this painting from the opening credits?
W/S Stone Armchair by ALMA ÉBÉNISTES (2024)
So what are we thinking of this?
Are you worried AI will take over graphic design jobs
Hello I'm from Bangladesh it's my work hand Carved decorative panel for door
JD Vance on his wedding day
Always an angel
Nuke Sniffer at Omaha Offutt Air Force Base
Found some birdshot in some basswood today
Can you inhale protein
I’ve lost $700k what the fuck do I do?
what exactly does an interior architect do (vs just architect)