Why is the fact that Turkey was built upon genocide not talked about more?
I’m 44. If you’re stroking to my nudes you should tell me how old you are.
If you’re going to stroke your cock to me at least tell me how old you are.
Hey it is not that bad
Berlin Turks be like
Ugh I love being a failed male
Çatır çutur sikilmek istiyorummm 🥵🥵
Boy pregnancy is a myth, anyone wanna prove me wrong????
I treat all my bros equally 🤭
Soulcrushing Reality
most sane Turkish fans
Good Ol' Days
Peace at home, peace in the world 😎
Shower thoughts
Throat Singing
Relative marriages in Turkey
guess the empire
Türks. Together. Stronk
I am curious, mommy soviet
Pov: You living beside Syria border