Why did Michael rob a bank if he didn't need the money? Why is he surrendering with his fingers on the trigger? The cops would shoot him. Is he stupid?
Wife and I have different views on how to raise our baby and it’s frustrating
7.5 month old baby girl major attachment to mom
Currently at Easton Tesla
I feel like my boyfriend’s sex doll
I can’t help but think about the life that they built together is half gone
Should I hold?
Another dilution just happened
stop getting faked out—how i trade ES, NQ, YM, and RTY together
Delta is planned to start operations summer next year and assembly starts next month
2025 Updates Q1
Aww crap we’re screwed
Why do you think millennials dads are spending more time with their kids than previous generation?
What is up with millennials not wanting to get to know their neighbors?
Why am I getting such bad building texture and why are they taking so long to load?
2024.45.32.20 thoughts?
Is it worth it to even get OLED for 4070 GPU?
I was up $580 on ES today and all I had to do was walk away
To short or possible squeeze?
Democrats are rooting for the drug cartels now. They just can't help but be on the wrong side of history on every issue. It's like a nervous tic with them.
quick, you have 24 hours to make over $1000, how do you do it?
Satire or wishful thinking?
I’ll just let it go to zero so my wife gets nothing in the divorce