Make this look like Bubbles' search history.
Why is your favorite funny line from any Scooby Doo cartoon?
Choose carefully
What do you think of the fact that you can replay all Adventure Packs in Giants?
Who had the best final form?
Do you guys think Lenny Baxter was legitimately a creep or was he just some PPG obsessed collector
Who do you think is the most underrated villain in the whole series?
The Perfect Girl (Stylized)
What’s a villain plot from the classic show that made you think that the villain didn’t think things through?
If this guy wasn’t an original monster made for the movie and was actually from one of the shows, which one do you think he would be from?
Favorite Crossover ?
Awe bubbles just wants Ms. Keane to be happy
Anyone remember the time, where The Puzzler essentially stole The Problem Blobs gimmick
[TOMT] An exercising website/show for kids
Which PPG character would win Squid Game? (The heroes, the antagonists, etc.)
Who's the most memorable side character for you? For me its the smiths
Ether the police didn’t care enough about their job or they are just stupid cause how did they believe this
Who would win a Death Battle!!!
Let’s Make a smash game! Who’s fighter #4? Most upvoted comment wins!
Who would you consider to be the big three when it comes to the power puff girls villains?
EASILY The best episode of the Powerpuff Girls (AN IN DEPTH ANALYSIS)
9 hour flight. Where are you sitting?
What PPG song is this for you? (if there are any)
What Pizza Tower song is this for you?
Buttercup's special power