Hows your navy doing wardens? We eagerly await your 3 smoke stacked battleships' next visit to Victa🗿
War 121 - Collie shipyard depleted ?
Killing another DD in loch mor!
Average Nakki experience
A gift from the 905th (saltbrook channel, Charlie)
Weakest tree > Best SC defenses evermade in Mudhole.
how much it cost for the warden navy in Origin the invasion? we are going to say our losses if you say it, good fight
The Collie Dox List
Why are we so high pop this war?
-4 Fingers, Difference between blue and green navy:
LONGSTONE TAP OP - Lead by [11eFL] Squid, [11erC] Raido, and [V] Grobokop
"Stoppable Force vs Movable Object"
#JustCharlieThings Nuke without an IC in range
There is a chance…
1984 - Not Even A Reason
WERCs is obsolete
"Muh turnel vision!!!!1!!!" -Guy with more people
"48 hours at Iron Junction" -- facing the horde, bombarded by over 1.5k 300 mm shells. Withstood the onslaught. Won the war.
What happened to 141?
End of 2024 Stats (New Update N/A)
I fcking love the new Loadout mechanic
I simply can't resist
"Daddy, can you tell us the story of how Wardens won the war?"
Was a builder for this war (colonial) siege camp allow the recipe for broken comps to conc that was going to be released in this patch.