Help, I want to find a old song but I can't remember the name :(
Need help to find a wired closed headset, 300€ max, for my computer on my motherboard, without AMP, for gaming / movies / songs...
Which Steam Capsule should I go with (not the final version, only to orientate myself)
Is there a wired and wireless (at the same time) headphone in the market ?
What song should I use for the menu (I can pay for it) (My game will not have a song in-game, exept in the menu / win screen)
Does my gif for a steam page (to show some "level" of my game) look good ?
Any advice for my GIF of the customization of the character ?
[UPDATE] - With or without the character ?
[UPDATE] What do you think about this GIF for a PART of a steam page ? (only to show some classes, not a trailer)
Should i change the points UI ? I'm thinking about making the points as the ruler (actually it's the stamina bar) with points on top of the ruler, but what could i use for the stamina bar instead of the ruler now ? Or should i keep it like it is right now ?
Can't open 2 steam instances with 2 differents account