Lmao who do I blame for this?
Scared I’ll be too small to be an EMT (male)
Roommate is mad I won’t “cover” for her rent after she spent all her money on a vacation!
AITA for not wanting to name my daughter after my blind sister's guide dog?
AITA for telling my conservative neighbor to shut up about my clothes?
Well, I got disqualified.
AIO for not blindly moving to my GF’s state with no savings just because of the political climate? ( I’m the blue)
What are you craving?
AITAH for giving a boy with autism a fake number?
Thoughts on not taking older child?
Am I overreacting in believing that my wife is hiding things from me?
AIO to my gf being bisexual
Sick at Disney
What’s your favorite restaurant at Disney world?
What song can you no longer stand because it reminds you of your ex?
Is there an official petition to reinstate the driver fired for not picking up the 600 woman?
AITA for telling my (31M) girlfriend (29F) that her baby name choice sounds like an homage to her ex?
I am SICK of being exploited
Can HOA come onto my property?
WIBTA If I move out of our apartment knowing my fiance and his mom can't afford it without me
Best chill day bucketlist at AK?
what’s one thing u dont wanna do that’ll make ur life x10 better
Disney Depression?
has mission space ever been stopped in the middle from someone freaking out?
Which park other than MK?