İmamoğlu erken seçim çağrısı yaptı ve adayın ön seçim ile belirleneceğini duyurdu.
Looking for a specific video edit of Mike and Walter
Soy (ancestry & heritage) testi yaptınız mı? Neler önerirsiniz?
When you rank your favourite scenes in all ASOIAF of TV series, does a scene from HotD make it to the top 3?
Özdağ tutuklama kararı verildi
Can The Dance of Dragons be adapted to the big screen?
[RD/KP20] Tail Swipe
Seventh Round - good person & hated by fans
The ones that got away. Missed sex opportunities that you wish you had acted on?
Fifth Round - morally grey & opinions are divided
(Advice needed!) I want to play this game... but I can't
All the vets in my city are closed: how urgent is this?
How safe is boxing for the casual?
Long time Ancient Gear player. How can I improve this deck? What would you add / remove?
[Spoilers Extended] What is your favourite bit of ASOIAF lore?
3 random discards? And noone has found a way to abuse this card?
What's your feel good go to TV show?
My fellow Wight supremacists, we've got more support on the way 💪💀✌️
Saniye adlı YouTuber'ın son "101 İnsan Deneyi" videosundan yere yapıştırılan bayrakların yerden alınma ve üstüne basılma istatistiği
Serious question: how did every gay on earth collectively agree at once that this guy is hung?
Metropoll: CHP’nin Cumhurbaşkanı Adayı Kim Olmalı?
Fatih Altaylı, 7 yıl boyunca tarikat yurtlarında kalmış bir gencin yazdığı kan donduran mektubu paylaştı.
My BF's a Squirter