Never Played Civ series before
Only 20 more days until we can use the Smithy
"BuT thE pERfOManCE Is fINe"
Out of all the monsters in this beta so far, this is the guy I struggle with the most. What is his deal?!
Being able to aim your attacks with CB feels so good
Hello lovely Sweden, I have a small question about your front doors.
What are your thoughts on Chained Arkveld now that you’ve had a chance to fight him?
Ursäkta, hur fan kan man äta chips fel och hur kan man annars äta dem? Det är ju bara att stoppa i sig så många man bara kan för maximal krispighet!
Vad i hela helvetets helvete
Förlåt men jag har syndat...
Hur hanterar man det här?
Min redan snygga sambo vill skönhetsopereras och är arg för att jag inte stöttar det
Uhm what
I'm extremely depressed and bored, need a 10/10 medium/long single player game to keep me sane for a month
Love the new handler.
What’s one song you wish this band would have covered?
Hitboxes for new monster as always on point lol
Everyone in the benchmark right now
arkveld is having none of that
Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 sells million copies day after release
Sökte 800 jobb under uppsägningstid, fick jobb på första dagen som arbetslös.
Angående ”rysk propaganda”
PLEASE stop posting MHWilds related things here
Uh,Rathian,where are you going?-Oh,of course...