PSX w: mule of 6 plus 25 weapons h: mule, lots, ask
👽 [PSX] W: Karma H: ANYTHING Thy Tarnished Needs 👽
Valiant Gargoyle is the worst boss
PSX w: mule of 7 max weapons h: all weapons at max, mule, ask
(Ps5) W: Dryleaf Arts H: Karma, Mule
PS5 W: Raging wolf set, Shard of alexander, Old lords talisman H: Runes, karma
Err.. is this hitless? Genuinely not sure. I got a couple of slight status build ups but no triggers. Not sure if the attacks that caused the build up hit me or not. Do they do damage if they hit?
Any Good Counter To Claws Of Night In A Gank Or Do I Just Have To Wait For My Turn?
How do you even dodge golden crutch?
3 more minutes of backstabs - happy NY!
3 minutes of backstab fishing
Regarding AoW: Blind Spot
I Strongly Feel Bone Bow Should Be A One Per Team
Even more PSGS
Ornstein and Smough is Not a Great Boss Fight
When Rust Bucket hasn't uploaded in 3 months so all you can do is rewatch his "How to Backstab" videos:
Micro-spacing 😩
3 mins of backstab fishing
New to the arena and looking for some tips
I genuinely hate invaders.
Why do a lot of people hate hotswapping so much or at least are opposed to it ?
PSX w: dupe of 4 pieces of armor and 2 max weapons h: mule, karma, ask
[PS4] w: mule h: mule, armor, weapons just lmk
PS4 W: St. Trina's Blossom H: Mule, karma, ask
2h Claymore: how to master?