Thomson Reuters Wins First Major AI Copyright Case in the US -- This verdict may complicate future fair use defenses for AI companies, affecting ongoing and future litigation across the U.S. and internationally. 
Petrified Forest National Park
The OG overlanding setup. Everything has its place, and everyone has their bucket to keep up with, but in this case, two or three. Not sure if this post fits the rules, but zoom in and be inspired by the kit. -- Camp wagon on a Texas roundup. (Texas, c. 1900)
Camp wagon on a Texas roundup. (Texas, c. 1900)
There is a lot of reference to Wolves in blood meridian and at first I believed he was exaggerating coyotes so I looked into their historical range and sure enough Grey Wolves once lived as far south as Mexico. Unbelievable!
Microsoft Study Finds AI Makes Human Cognition “Atrophied and Unprepared” | Researchers find that the more people use AI at their job, the less critical thinking they use.
Chung Own, Dealer in Chinese Merchandise. (Virginia City, MT, c. 1896-1905)
How are you carrying your propane tank?
5 new Denver coffee shops
Eureka, Colorado, c. 1900. The detail is incredible in this image -- make sure to zoom waaaay in and check out the boards on the buildings. Read the signs!
Eureka, Colorado, c. 1900.
Every state in the Union put up troops to fight the confederacy. North Carolina gave 10,000 soldiers to fight for the North. This unit the 1st North Carolina Colored Heavy Artillery was made up of free black men from the Tar Heel state.
Lt. Col. Harry Stewart Jr., one of the last surviving Tuskegee Airman, has passed at 100. He broke barriers and defended a country that denied him equality when he returned home.
Bring a Jeep to work day!
Boss Caswell's Monkey Saloon at Granite, Colorado (c. early 1880's)
Trying to listen to ISS
Grateful Dead on the cover of Rolling Stone, February 3, 1972. 53 years ago today.
I know it’s his three most poser books but I just love the way the picador collection looks
"Most things I worry about never happen anyway." - Tom Petty [1125 x 1285]
Dogs were an important part of the Uinta Ute culture. (c. 1870s)
Robbers' Roost (1955)
I’m seeing Jason on the last night of his solo tour in Atlanta. PLEASE PLEASE play Streetlights.
Geronimo (c. 1884)
This 1884 cabinet card taken at the San Carlos Reservation in Arizona is the earliest known photo of Geronimo
What is hello in your language?
During a really tough time, what was the best thing you ever did for your mental health?
Bob Dylan Rehearses "We Are The World"
The Most Radical and Rebellious Choice You Can Make Is to Be Optimistic