Is Madame Moribble supposed to be Mombi the Wicked Witch of the North from the original books?
Queen of the clouds is the beast?
Having an Issue With Steam on ArchLinux (I am a Idiot)
The mouth wash I was prescribed for my wisdom teeth has its chemical structure on it.
Bedrock College YouTube series Casting
Telescope is following stars in the opposite direction.
My Celestron NexStar 6SE is off set
Having trouble figuring out how to align the NexStar 6SE
Custom Catholic Themed DND Sheet for my Next Campaign Taking Place in my World
What are the races/species in your world?
Alchemical Elements
The Alchemical Formula for a Human (In My Fantasy World)
How do you approach Homosexuality and/or LGBTQ ideas in general within your world?
A Map of the Path to Hell
How did you villain become the villain?
How messed up is the most messed up detail in your world?
Tell me the Creation Myth of your world
I've Written a Bible.
Here is a contrasting image of 2 languages i have made, Athryllic (latin-cyrillic type language) and the Unamed Language (the other language).
Can anyone help me find a way to contact an old Minecraft account?
How can I visualize a new algebra concept that I have come up with?
Should’ve equipped Feather Falling
Gotdamn 💀💀
ah yes, women are actually just ribs
new player here, how do i stop corruption?