The price of audiobooks in the 90s was wild
Is Misery the most perfect of the Stephen King novels?
Apartment dwellers - why not rent a house?
Can you live here on a salary of 60k?
Why so much hate for Bill Hodges trilogy?
Nazi killing movies
Just finished the Brady and Frankie chapter. Holy crap I can't put this one down.
Ever picked up a turn of phrase from a SK book?
Christian celebrity gossip…spill the tea!
What are some apartment complexes worth living in?
What King novel's first chapter hooked you immediately?
What order should I read in?
Can’t upgrade Yard
For some reason, this song always hits hard…
Name a place to eat at thats nasty af but people hype tf out of it
3 weeks off and napped every day
Who will be selling us life insurance in 20 years?
Mises Causus - is this your champion?
Who Else Misses Layaway Plans?
Holy fucking shit
My right-handed friend tried to come at me today
Make a lefthanded roommates life better ?
Apple Lands ‘Deaf President Now!’ Doc From Nyle DiMarco, Davis Guggenheim
Spotify’s “fan support” thing
It’s time for your colonoscopy