Islamic Jesus concept in a nutshell
Most biblical angels appear as just normal dudes. Ezekiel was... special...
My attractiveness drops quickly if L fnd out that a man watches porn.
der **beste** tofu, idc !! 🗣️🗣️
Thunfisch / Lachs von Zeaster
I think I want to break up with my boyfriend after reading a book
Men do not give two shits about you, get real.
based ..
I want to be a mom, but the current political climate in the U.S. has me nervous
Die Haltung des Subs zur Partei die Linke
Geht ihr wählen? Warum und Wen?
how do i overcome the feeling of wanting a boyfriend?
had my first in-person rejection, and i feel fine
Transphobic Allies
Sind yu gi oh Karten Vegan
Veganismus ist auch politisch
I desperately wanna be t4t but I think I’m T boy repellent 😭
Kleines Experiment: Honig gebackener Tofu
So I visited my ex boyfriend again
At that point I’m starting to feel ok with being called sir because it doesn’t change anything, I’m still cute I still don’t have beard, estrogen is still penetrating every cell of my body. I feel godly with my androgyny.
thoughts on ariesxaries relationships?
Kann ich irgendwas machen, bevor ich mit HRT anfange?