Which album has the most replay value for you?
Do Holly Blacks faerie books exist in the Shadowhunters world?
An urban fantasy book with aliens.
Where was the most out-of-the-way place you ever lived?
How long until Cyberpunk 2077 can run natively at ultra settings with pathtracing at 60fps?
What is something positive that happened in 2024?
Foggy Graveyard, Evelyn Richards, pencil/digital, 2024
May you recommend a game where you're a woman hitting people with a sword?
The art I want to make is different than what I'm skilled at.
Do you enjoy practicing the fundamentals?
What is something challenging that you enjoy doing?
CMV: If you actually wanted to be doing something, you'd be in the process of doing it instead of just talking about it.
What are you actually passionate about?
Is it okay if my handwriting is a bit messy?
DAE get the urge to strip naked when using the bathroom while constipated?
When milk is poured into water, are the molecules still separately water and milk, or do they blend to become a new molecule?
Race horses don't know they're racing
Volo randomly dead in camp?
Kith'rak Voss bug Act 1
What are young boys reading these days?