I dream about my wife’s dead best friend every night and it is ruining my marriage.
What do you think the rarest life path number is
My visit to The Monroe Institute
Can someone actually explain astral projection and how it feels
San Clemente looks to install surveillance cameras along beach
I just had a ce5 and asked them a few questions and they answered
Today, my rheumatologist told me that lupus does not cause brain fog.
Last photo of enigmator 237
Trapped in a nightmare
Hilarious failed try
I built an app to analyze my dreams—because I needed a way to understand my subconscious.
Why have sex for the first time without ever masturbating?
This is how disclosure happens! Closing of the CIA
“They would use Latin on their patches. They would position the presidents at a certain point where astronomical events would happen” - Diana Pasulka on the Rituals used in the US space program.
I've never seen an orb and it's driving me crazy.
To all those amazing people summoning UFO/UAP/Plasmoids etc. . COULD YOU PLEASE TRY THAT DURING THE DAY.
“There are people in power deliberately scripting the book of revelations to bring about Armageddon. I think they’re satanists who worship the dark force.” - Chris Bledsoe
I really hate to be that guy but I am desperate.
So I have lupus induced epilepsy and I just got told by some random lady in this group I’m in that celery juicing will fix all my problems. Does this type of stuff drive any of you guys crazy as well????
A way to access past lives
OBEs a product of the brain?
The Reptilian Agenda: Greys and Mantis Abduct Humans to Seed Habitable Planets (info obtained through astral projection)
Reptilian Agenda: Greys and Mantis Abduct Humans to Seed Habitable Planets with Hybrids