Smaller pot? Turning yellow
Are these roots long enough for planting?
Long guy 👀
So… yeah. How dead is this?
would she regrow if i let her ?
Say it ain’t so?
Hi! Does anyone know what are these brown dots/ spots on my pothos and if they’re something I should be worried about?
Help! Why is she looking like this?
Why is my monstera so droopy😓
a quest in the middle of the ocean lol
Left my indoor plants outside for a few hours and the leaves aren't doing well (Fig bonsai, Prayer plant)
Is it something that i should worry about?
This plant attached to my bag all the way from Tokyo to London!
Please: Tell me what you see.
Help in my bird nest fern
Help! Can anyone help with a second opinion, please 🙏🏽
Pigmentation / visible pores on my fingers
Help with brown leaves
Spongy roots= root rot?
Help I repotted my albo pothos and all new growth is solid green
Help with pruning, info down below
How can I make my Rhaphidophora decursiva prettier?
Anything can be done with it? This plant has been on the way out for a while. It's in a shaded corner and I only use rain water on it. I pruned back all the dead leave but it's still decling
Are these different?
Umm… is this seller openly admitting that their plants are poached? 🥴