Vasquez Rocks, my oil painting
They built it...
same driver, 26 years apart in China
Daisy Ridley
He didn't blame anyone for the loss of his legs. He went out and achieved anyway!
He's a jack of all trades
You know what I like about you? Your eyes. You have those… black shark’s eyes
Great white shark approaching underneath the surface
Roses are red, cottages are quaint,
PSycho STALKer CAN't BE sTOpPed!
viCiOuS BeAST DraGs hUMaN bAck tO Its LAIr tO feeD iTs babiES
Hero-Glyphics: Middle Earth by joshln
Lauren pregnant
Which was the style at the time.
8 yr olds
Had to draw this lovely face.
Even Aragorn could pronounce it correctly
This makes me think
Episodes where Gareth is clairvoyant
Look what just came in the mail! The spice must flow!
Mike's iconic catchphrase.
Ringwraith by scadarts
Goodnight Moon
Cassia ASMR
Nice mustache, but where's the gum?
Not on the rug, man.
Kim Kardashian