Gärningsmannen i Örebro använde enligt TV4 inte en AR15, utan hade jaktlicens sedan år 2011. Media utnytjar tragedin.
Gun control ?!
Class & Gender
What is the "gamer" joke that they often make on the podcast?
Exhibition of Utensils and Tools Held at Housing Construction Site in Pyongyang
Rickard Andersson, a white Swede commits the deadliest shooting in Sweden's history, killing 10 in a school attended largely by non-white Swedes. This is how the BBC reports on it. They know what they're doing.
Who would you recommend to start reading if you find reading hard
I would give everything up to live the Shade lifestyle
Sverige, ni förtjänar detta
Small business owners should stop doing the whole fellow working class thing that they do.
It looks like the tariffs on Mexico will not be implemented.
Just got banned on r/communism and r/communism101.
For people who know a lot about improving technology and artificial intelligence, what are going to be the key mechanisms for the proletariat to wrestle AI away from the capitalist class?
Yes boo hoo very sad but there were millions saved by the same action
Is Trump a Secret Anti-Imperialist?
Handelskriget USA
Skulle du dö för ditt land?
Sandinistas: Wikipedia using sloppy sources to be "balanced"
Hur bemöta genusjävlar?
NGL, that's actually kind of awesome.
What in the world is this??
Chinese here, why everyone call elon a nazi now?
Det är fler som har blod på sina händer idag
When AI becomes dominant, Marxism will become relevant, says CPM state secretary MV Govindan