To the redditors who are colourblind, what jobs/career do you do and how much do you get paid?
Any Aussie fans?
TH13 & TH14 looking for active competitive clan
Huge w from supercell.
What “long song” (6+ minutes) is worth every minute?
Anyone going to these concerts?
What is that one song that is 100% perfect?
Is it worth collecting the English 151 set?
Where to buy a 3ds in Australia?
Crew Trainers of Kitchen - When you train crew, what do you teach them first and how do you teach them so they understand? (AUS)
Just wondering, do you guys mess with new kitchen crew and if so, how?
[SW] Nooklings buying for 454.
[SW] Turnip Selling Price over 300 please?
Never really got why a heavily armored man has less health than a woman in a bikini. Not asking for a nerf but it just doesn’t make sense contextually
[SW] the nooky dudes are buying for Tree Fiddy One
[SW] Turnips selling for 470!
[SW] Have 382 as a price, 20 minutes left.
[SW] Selling for 5 0 7! Comment a music group you’ve been listening to lately! Accepting NMT as tip, taking 3-4 at a time! Just don’t leave so things will go smoothly!
[SW] Daisy Mae buying at 93
[SW] DAISY SELLING 90 BELLS per turnip
[SW] T&T selling 575