Zero Day - hard to watch
Cheating is not good 🥲
Blasting off again
Decision-making in this game gets pretty wild sometimes!
Is there a point to turning ALL locations under the same leadership (Athenian/spartan)?
'Captain Ross, look at me, this isn't you'
What do I have?
How Martin Yan chops garlic
Seals quests are too repetitive
What are the worst things to say right after sex?
Here's my very unique and controversial opinion: the MCU fell off after Endgame.
Who are some actors who gave a megahit/stellar movie but dipped out of the industry right after?
Old Metallica
ציור שציירתי עכשיו לא יודע איך לקרוא לו
Who is the worst character?
Roselyn Sanchez - Boat Trip
In game store
Anon don't wash his chicken
That’s not how you park a truck
Danish Leader Seeks Help From European Allies Over Greenland
In Game of Thrones, Daeneys Targaryen had black eyebrows despite having white hair, because albino people just look weird, and she had to look appealing to general audiences.
Skip AC Odyssee?