Is this an ADHD thing or just a me thing, use audio to sleep? Also really enjoy everything that is satisfying audio?
Does anyone with ADHD sleep with audio or no audio? If so what kind? Also is there any connection between ADHD and really enjoying audio?
What is the longest you have ever gone without sex after you started being sexually active?
Does this make you rage too?
Anyone else think is insane?
I sometimes think I am just an attention seeker
Help Identifying guitar pick
Please help with advice, is this feeling normal?
As someone with ADHD, have you ever been described as “draining”
Late diagnosed adults, what are some unexpected things did you find out were symptoms/coping that went away when you started medication?
Whats your current food hyperfixation?
What do people mean when they say adderall removes the voice in their head?
What's the hardest thing about managing your day as someone with ADHD? Scheduling? Staying motivated? Getting started?
How many of you have BFRB habits? (i.e nail biting, lip biting, hair pulling, etc).
I am no longer letting my ADHD stop me from becoming a better person.
Are people with ADHD really that different from other people?
What prompted you to seek help and diagnoses to officially know that you have ADHD?
Name this Game
How can I keep my mouth shut?
Completely Frustrated
Is it okay to lowkey hate socializing?
Taken off Adderall
How do you deal with RSD?
Can you explain to me what your meds felt like when they "felt right" vs. when they didn't feel right?
Do you have any idea how hardcore we all are!