Posting here has made a shadow form of my worst qualities
Am I a good cis male ally
world's smartest pinkpiller (pro tip: the ogres aren't the ones posting photos of themselves!)
You should have gatekept me ngl
The *only* people who care about trans people are other trans people
I hate myself so fucking much.
I’d rather die than be an “enby.”
What will trenders get into now that trooning out is no longer en vogue?
reading a book published by my old psych who diagnosed troons in the 70s onwards
FTMs here, please tell me how do I cope with balding? Probably cis guy here
Tfw when you're desperate for a relationship but also a deeply traumatized tran
is it possible to be a transbian without being agp?
What inert things has 4t4 wormed you with you can't unlearn?
Suggestions for transphobic websites
Politics is a game to some of you…
I am trapped in a spiral of misery
Why they pass anti-trans legislation
For those of you making fun of theyfabs you are unironically mimicking ovarit and you should stop
Does anyone else here repeat this cycle?
I don't have a chance
Trans is beautiful
your ghost
HSTS Anger !
How the fuck do I get my long distance repper girlfriend to take E?