FM25 cancelled
Football Manager 25 officially cancelled
FM25: Cancelled.
FM25 Cancelled
Wisdom Teeth Removal
Streamers weirdly quiet on the situation?
Sports Interactive / FM25 lack of news megathread
FM25 “Trailer”
Its over guys. They lied
SI know FM fans will have been eagerly checking everyday this week for the gameplay reveal. To just hide away and not say anything is one of the scummiest things they could do to players
Is it time to call it a day?
Live WWE Raw Discussion Thread - January 20, 2025!
Lack of News on FM25
FM25 Testing
Have DPD stolen my parcel?
Newcastle v Brentford Tickets
[Official] Clarity on why an FM24 Data Update is not possible ahead of FM25’s March release
Help with these random stains.
Football Manager 25 Delayed until March 2025
WorkTheSpace Latest Video
SI knew it was impossible to finish the game for November when they put it on pre-order
Sports Interactive
SI delaying the launch of FM25 until March is 100% a good move on their part
‘Football Manager 25’: How They Made It A Women’s Game Too ( interview with Miles and others)