Chicken Enchilada Casserole out for 5 hours, safe to eat?
Finally dusted off my old SNES collection (55 games)
Gift from wife
I finally beat Earthbound!
$5 thrift shop score!
Cool 70ct Ametrine I carved the other day. Tried to do the face/vase illusion.
i used to hate geodes when i first started dying but now they’re my favorite thing to make!
Hemp wick holder
What does my fridge say about me
First Rorschach scrunches.
First time playing…. Hope it’s as good as its hyped
Team Grilled Cheese
I don’t know if you peeps tried this, but you inspired me
Playing with a pet lion
Should I score deeper?
Still my go-to game for snowy days
Ready to shape? Bulk ferment help please
How do i det this up?
My collection so far of RPGs for SNES not sure what else I need
XL Psychedelic Rainbow Glitch
I've wanted something from this locality for a lonnnnng time!
Homemade truck camper in Big Bend
Has anyone tried these sintered burrs?
Medium Dharma brand yoga pants
What is this?