Did Pellets for years...can I get back to where I was before treatment?
Im done with this, my grandma is 96 and her mental health is better than mine, I’m 36 eating “organic”, looking at the ingredients and expending a ton of time and money on this supplement industry.
I'm growing algae but it somehow got infested with weed
We want more maps, LESS cheaters and crisper movement
I do sock shoe sock shoe. My friend freaked out and called me a psychopath.
While everyone argues over which M4 is better now that they're the same price, AUG players are just vibing.
Czy podwyżka 1500 przy zarobkach 5000 to realistyczna kwota czy zbyt zawyżona?
Is it normal that I miss Poland too much?
According to Gabe Follower's latest video, VACNET 3.0 is set to be released very soon - Could this be the final nail in the coffin for cheaters?
Mother in law broke my knife, can I still use it?
Liver safety on lgd4033
A guy came to a shelter to choose a cat, but the cat chose him first
Polski jest obiektywnie chujowy, ale nie tak bardzo, byśmy ślepo akceptowali anglosferyczne kalki językowe, makaronizmy i wręcz wtrącanie całych angielskich zwrotów to Polskich zdań
sarms or test
Is enclo only an acceptable cycle
Diamond boy is back (still naty)
Lifetime natty 9 years bodybuilding, should I take Enclomiphene and AC-262?
How the hell did they get the fully a cop car with full emblems, logos, and badges in Poland?
How to crash my nat test levels
Chłopy, jak wyglądają wasze relacje ze światem randkowania?
Has anyone ever used this
My fridge after spending $100 in groceries
Running a cycle