Regional Dragonair, Type: Water/Dragon. It's my first time using Pixilart, what do you think?
Hastily made poison/ice regional weedle
¿What will be your starter on PokéPiece? (Terrap/Retri/Lilbit)
Custom Eeveelution
Form Changing when catched
Custom Mega Problems
New Fakemon Idea "Ghoth"
Pokemon Infected - Playable Short Teaser
Encounter List UI not showing
EBDX Moves are zooming in
Pokemon Project Starters
Looking for finished fan game with alot/mostly fakemon
Weather Effects like falling leaves
Looking for a fangame
Sharing the final design of my game map. An island archipelago adventure.
Games with clothes
Pokemon Fan Game with Contests
Perfect Gold Recruitment
Following Pokemon
First try on making my own pokemon
If anyone is interested, I’m giving this Gardevoir design. It’s Fire/Psychic type and, well, if you’re going to use it, please credit me as Nixo. The only condition is that you can’t modify anything, not even a pixel. Just leave it as it is.
New Custom Wooper and Quagsire made by me! They are Water/Fairy Type and are looking more like real Axolotl now :)
hi guys! i made a pokemon, named zardzap, ghost eletric type! is a alien!