Best Value Gravel Bike max $2k
Big Loss of Distance
Whats the longest club ya'll hit off the deck?
‘21 Domane AL5 vs ‘16 Diverge Pro
Let's talk golf balls
Poseidon Triton Question
Utility Iron Recommendations
Catrike 700 vs TT Rambler
Just got back from a carnival cruise -- I need perspective
After leaving how long does it take to withdrawal vanguard? I called them and they said about 30 days ish? Have any of you done this? Cashed in the whole account after separating from the company?
I need to bitch. Nothing constructive here.
Any pros working for Geico other than training for another Company?
Is it worth it to work for a body shop instead?
How do y’all learn schemes?
Why can’t I load into my franchise
I can’t do it anymore
My last day with GEICO was last week.
Returning equipment
Two week notice
Don’t trust them when they offer free candy