is my piercing rejecting or just swelling
Just got my vertical labret! Questions in the description
My uncle said he’s ugly
AIO that I sent this filet mignon back because I ordered it "medium"?
I like how this bathroom turned out, but do you think there's anything I can do to open up the space a bit more?
I had my rook fixed today; it looks like a traditional rook but is actually two separate piercings that go through my ear, not the rook flap. I'm happy with how it turned out, especially since my original rook had migrated out.
Something feels off about this client
Girl no food names please. Human names are preferred
Old people falling off a giant see saw.
My 5.5 month boy was just diagnosed with FIP and started treatment yesterday
Need help deciding next ear piercing
What does my and my wife's fridge say to you?
comment a nice picture of your cat and i'll draw a picture of them :)
New office cat needs a name!
Is it just me or is the Delete Button in the new Apple Update slightly off center?
Laid off because of Canva
No name seems to fit this guy
I’m fostering these cats and I am in love with them.
Is she ugly
Why doesn,t my 1 year old golden bark?
can i wear anything in a helix piercing
can i change my belly button piercing?
Getting piercings is so addictive...
Who else has gotten something like this before?
New piercings 🥰😁