For those who stopped talking to their childhood friend, what was the reason?
I think i get it now L. but I really hope I'm wrong...
Rather have you as a friend than not at all
You are given one million dollars but can never win at another game of any kind for the rest of your life, would you take the money?
You can have an extra $4000 per month tax free, but your voice will sound like Gilbert Gottfried.
Ladies of Reddit, what’s something a guy has done (intentional or not) that instantly made you think, “Wow, he’s different in a good way?
A white guy is the best at his racially-stereotyped hobby
Life is short mi Amour. "Not enough hours in the day" as you like to say, L.K. - T.H.
Life is short mi Amour. "Not enough hours in the day" as you like to say.
$70 million a year, but once a week you must take a shower with only 30 minutes notice or you lose everything. What’s your plan?
PICK ONLY 1 Question from the List and Need Your Initials ONLY
Life hack for free meals at Chipotle
Y U No Know!
Was wondering if our age gap was appropriate for our ages?
Increase in police presence.
A man becomes obsessed with a woman, won’t leave her alone, and eventually saves everyone with her help.
You have intruders in your house and are heavily armed & prepared. What song do you tell Alexa to play?
Desperation makes people uncomfortable
The absence of the opportunity to feel meaningful is decaying society.
Help me name this cutie - just got today. Looking for space themed names to go with the cat I have now, Luna.
Women of Sacramento!!! *warning!!!!*
What song makes you think of your partner or ex?
Worst case scenario of copying someone’s style
A band where every member has Narcolepsy and falls asleep on stage