Best water filters/ systems for renters?
Under The Sink Filtration for NYC High-rise Apt
Under sink water filter or R/O system for my use case? We have Municipal water
Cheap water mailing company?
New Britta filter has a grassy or almost floral/tea tree oil esque taste to it?
Which Water Conducts Best? Comparing Conductivity in Tap, Salt & Distilled Water
What do you use your frunk for?
Just asked my 3 year old boy “guess what?” “Chicken butt” and he’s crying he’s laughing so hard.
Shoutout to the dad who posted the math trick. It helped me pull my 6 y/o out of a panic attack at Disneyland
A/C Seat Cooling is Underwhelming
Sleep Training - Hit me with your stories
What are some Most Have items you always travel with… that hardly anyone else does?
What Do You Use Your Frunk For?