serious question - what do you think hansen keeps in his little pouch?
The Nut in Mockingjay is Cheyenne Mountain in the future
Combat rank grinding
Merit grind
If you were rich what would be your dream helicopter that you'd buy?
FDev flips 180 on Cosmetics/ARX Store stance
Cobra Mk4
Wanna try some bug hunting
I hate CQC now cause of this.
Welp... Now I have to restart
Me when the Thargoid War is over...
What do you guys think is the saddest scene(s) in the show?
Whether they are Serious, Silly, or meant to strike fear. What are your ships name(s).
Which elite rank could be quicker to get to?
GeForce Now is an absolute godsend!
Broken hearted
To all pilots, it's almost time.
Random man tried to get into the back of my car in the CBD last night
Hypothetical Totally Not Illegal Fantasy Rifle
What plane are u most excited for in msfs2024?
What’s your favorite country song starting with the letter B?
Suprise! You have slept with the main character of the last tv show you watched. How (un)happy are you?
What show hooked you on the first episode?
Mr. Hoshi (later Admiral Louis Hoshi) is a study in navigating office politics