Honeymoon is over
Got a job offer from someone who saw me on indeed. Is this a scam?
Has anyone successfully pushed their EOD months out due to the current state of government?
Are probationary contract employees part of the massive firings ?
USCIS ISO FJO rescinded
How common is for companies to mark you as “rehire ineligible” for quitting with very short notice (<1 week)?
Would you stay at a job you hate if they match or offer a higher pay than your new job offer?
With SAVE and other IDR plans gone, will PSLF be worth less since higher monthly payments mean less money forgiven?
What type of job is one where you make decent money but you do nothing all day?
Contract Cut
Anyone with an EOD in March worried about a government shutdown on 3/14?
Just learned that I failed the background check for a public trust position.
Are probationary contractors at risk of losing their jobs too?
DOD EOD 5/06 safe?
DoD EOD: 02/24 Safe??
eAPP Personal checklist-Fingerprints
Anyone get an FJO for and EOD of early March?
DHS senior leaders may get axed.
MOHELA Responded to my Complaint
on the SAVE plan, in forbearance, got a notification about accruing interest even though I thought I wasn't accruing interest?
Actual street work.
Remote Pharmacist Jobs?
How do contractors typically get paid during a government shutdown?
How long after a clearance did you get a Final Job Offer?
Same-sex marriage and suitability/public trust under current administration