Suggest me a movie (or even a show) with characters that are good/kind people
Movies with no or few male characters
What movie made YOU cry?
What is the best comedy movie you have watched??
Heartwarming and truly funny comedies
Heartfelt depictions of female friendships in film?
Lesser known 80s film recommendations
Double edged sword
Site to add movies to to browse through the covers/titles?
I am in town from college. My mother and I need movie suggestions
Which characters are good at showing/feeling their anger?
Looking for films with non-speaking animals
Add to the list! Great PG or PG-13 movies to watch with 10-12 year old kids
Weird, funny documentaries
Any films about a protagonist who spends most of their time alone?
Movies where people meet up and someone gets killed
Tragic Thrillers?
Looking for comedy with an ensemble cast like Clue
Trump Calls for Wealth Fund in Executive Order
Movies that are adapted from stage plays?
Romance movie suggestions for two people who don't like most feel-good romance movies but want to do a romance movie marathon
Feeling down, any good comfy movies?
What’s your favorite one-location film that kept you engaged the entire time?
Which movie do you think is underrated and deserves more recognition?
Looking for genuinely good comedy movies from late 90s, early 2000s!