Who is an actor you hate seeing appear on screen?
Manager refusing to talk until day is over
Buying 1 of Every Stock I Like and then DCA into them over time, Good or Bad Idea?
Hear me out. Luka didn’t fit in Dallas…
Where do you buy Old books in Canada?
Is Marijuana easily accessible in Dallas?
Kruppe Hate
Nico Robin 🌸 Day 939 (OC)
Minor news: Brandon Sanderson mentioned The Doors of Stone in his recent lecture, said he was convinced Patrick would finish it
What is/would/will be your first ONE PIECE tattoo?
AITA for not deleting all my backups of my art like dad told me to and letting him punish me instead?
Which historical figures would you imagine becoming pirates in the One Piece universe?
What's a movie sequel that is objectively worse than the original, but you prefer more?
Memo to Trump: Engage in an open-ended diplomatic process with North Korea
I thought i did decent until i realized what a curved score was..
Did I miss this binding or did the enemy Senna react appropriately
Movie critics in Mexico parodied "Emilia Perez" turning it into a racist portrayal of France instead
Eight-year-old girl speaks to astronaut on the International Space Station.
It can be argued the '90s was the golden age of music videos. Huge budgets were a non issue back when the recording industry was flush with cash. What were some of your favorites?
They can't all be winners. What are your most boring Stephen King books?
On average, how many hours are you playing DnD?
BlockBuster Cave!!!!
Noticed that they laugh the same. even exposing one eye under the palm on the face. [Chapter 1136 spoilers]
1136 Odd Connection
Majin Vegeta I drew in class yesterday.