r/2westerneurope4u right now
Do it Johannes.
Average day in the UK
JustUnsubbed from imfinnagotohell because it’s almost all anti-muslim “memes”
Letgirlshavefun trying to normalise abuse.
What does this have to do with communism?
Bad move Marx
Portugal is balkan confirmed
This is how it was before. Spread the truth
They increased literacy in their country, but at what cost?
Current state of nordicks
rename your favorite historical event as a clickbait youtube title
Dresden, Germany, 1945
Aufenthaltstitel Familienangehöriger
Swedish caliphate is expanding it's borders to Denmark
What are your thoughts on having this kind of proselytising(?) thing in the middle of Copenhagen’s most popular street on a Saturday evening?
From Twitter/X
They have a point..
Just unsubbed from LetGirlsHaveFun, it's majority just cropped porn/sexual fantasy instead of memes
nazi experiment camps is pure nightmare fuel
Quite the irony, huh?
Bit dark, but the Italy flair once again checks out
Soldiers of the 78th Airborne Assault Regiment “Herts” of the Ukrainian Air Assault Forces captured an Italian citizen fighting for the Russian invasion forces.
Just unsubscribed from FakeHistoryPorn because of this blatantly antisemitic and anti-Jewish post.
Spanish Skill issue
German horniness knows no border