SOD Phase 7 is the worst phase released so far. Your thoughts?
Is this "PvP" right now?
Character transfer not available in Lone Wolf EU
Countries where teaching evolution is either banned and/or restricted on the national level
Alliance AB in SoD be like
Pre-Quest Phase 4
World First EU
How i felt using the char transfer to move away from the pvp hellhole Lone Wolf
SoD Phase 3 Pre-Quest List?
Tinyviolin returns to grief HC Elite again (on new character)
Never played WoW before.
I’m nervous 😬
Do you think that quests that are not for at least 2 man, and still not marked as Group quests, should remain as they are or Blizzard have to change them for better awareness to new players?
This thing fell burning from the sky. No idea of what it is.
Apparently if you feign death the full 6 minutes it actually kills you. I just died at 31 in the stupidest way possible. In disbelief
My friend has too much confidence. Roast her!
What do you think ?
I was asked to post without makeup, so here I am again!
And so it begins...
F18. Be brutally honest and tell me how I look
So what would you give me? Be honest
Male (39)
Would you date a disabled person?
What are my best features?
F26 honest thoughts?