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I need 15 upvotes to post somewhere and I'm desperate
Upvote 4 Upvote Karma Post?
Karma Farming Please Chain?
Karma to post
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Upvote for upvote please!!
Need the Karma! Upvote for upvote! Pls
i'll upvote every comment i get.
Is there an argument as to FDR being the greatest president, above Washington and Lincoln?
How do you think the Dems could have won the 2004 election?
Up vote me pleaseeee
What presidents (or other American figures if significant enough) do you believe should be placed on U.S. currency that never have been?
Upvote please, I’ll upvote back
Up 4 uP what’s your favourite food?
upvote for upvote
Upvote please, i will upvote back 🙏
Please upvote me and I'll upvote back.
Join my New subreddit called r/VintageTexas dedicated to old/vintage Texas
Remember only one!
What is your opinion of John F. Kennedy?
Hotel Jean LaFitte - Galveston, Texas Postcard
Central Presbyterian Church, Paris, Texas Postcard