Name an annoying thing people base their entire personality around.
What was the worse thing your boss ever said to you?
It’s said the world runs on “good enough”, not “perfect”. If that’s true what’s the “good enough” of Standup?
Stay strong brothers and sisters
My kid got frustrated, so he just decided to "cheat". At first I was upset with him, then I realized he was right.
Best Career Advice you received in one sentence?
What’s the female equivalent of a guy compensating for having a small package?
What are the signs you've noticed that you're getting older?
Paired but not Connected Windows 10
[Product Question] Peach and Lily Volufiline15 Eye Essence?
Tiniest Kitchen Known To Man
I overate today and THATS OK
Best Book for Recovery?
Binge-eating or Overeating?
Why do people give their kids a name with the intention to call them by a nickname?
Do people actually make their beds every morning?
What Simple things to add to rice that can make it a good cheap meal:
Lauren getting caught lying about liking the office
LPT: Stress Management (Lessons learned from a USAF fighter pilot)
What do you get the most compliments about?
I’m an inspiration fiend. Please share what methods you used to result in less binges?
I binged tonight after being so good all week
What is the one snack/food you don’t keep in your house because you have no self control around it?
what do men consider as “fat” in a woman?
Has anyone else secretly thought they could definitely win a hotdog eating contest? 😂