I’m widening my horizon and I need help…
What’s the most GTA thing you or someone you know ever witnessed in real life?
When was some one going to tell me that these goofy suits became free😭😭😭
Do we know who called the serpent when we are taking Atreus to Freya?
Vocal cords so sore, he HAS to remain calm or else they’ll disintegrate.
Try to become a superhero
What game comes to mind?
Horse names
In general, what’s your top 3 horse breeds?
But that coweredly killer that shot Mr.midler had laid old Odis in is his grave
A sausage never misses.
Craziest thing you did after your horse got killed?
Tell me your favourite game
I made a helldiver in ceramics
I made a helldivers in ceramics
You’re right, this is war
We DO judge
Say anything and ill connect it to SLIM SHADY
high effort meme title
WTF YouTube Shorts.!
Making a meme of every quote from Spider-Man 2 : Day 785
Do you think he lets it crust?
This is a meme checkpoint Now give me your best photos in your gallery
What is wrong with you guys.