I don’t know why but painting little astronauts make me happy
Help me figure out how best to organise my goals to deal with this situation
I remember seeing a journey last month that was like January Journey and had something unique and interesting to try out each day of the month...
Reminder to look after yourselves :)
Any other men out there? Hitting day 30 tomorrow and I feel like I have little birb harem from the few Redditors that added me on the mega thread.
What genre are yall listening today?
My girlfriend put this dress on our cat and I was against it til she sent me this
Self-Care Calendar?
What audiobooks are so well performed, that you’re missing out if you read the book instead?
AITA for kicking my boyfriend out because he “forgot” about my allergy?
If anyone wanted to see what the journeys alternative they're trialling looks like, here's what I have as a new user
Dear Sen. Brandon Shippy - this abortion law is something a rapist would introduce
Send concerns about losing journeys via email
My thoughts on Journeys feature possibly leaving, message to the devs
Please do not remove journeys!
Removing journeys?
Husband and I are on the path to divorce. For those who have been there, what do you wish someone had told you when you were in that space between deciding to divorce and telling other people about it?
What’s “a lot” or “not many” to you?
Took a double dose this morning, plz keep me (and honestly my coworkers) in your thoughts
Anyone struggling with anxiety with the inauguration? My adhd brain is breaking under the pressure
I have aphantasia. Can I be successful without the ability to visualize? What should I do instead?
How do you clean everyday?
I can’t stop coloring lol, enjoy (:
I love living alone and it is peaceful for me. However I also never watch scary movies.